CoinTracking mobile

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Average Purchase Prices

This page calculates the average purchase price for all your coins.

In contrast to the (un)realized gains calculation, all purchases and sales are added here together to calculate an average value per coin.

How does the calculation work?

We calculate the average value of your coins according to this formula:

Buy 1 (BTC amount * purchase price) + Buy 2 (BTC amount * purchase price) + ... - Sale 1 (BTC amount * sales price) - ...

Your average purchase price per currency is calculated and compared with the current price.
Based on the average and the current price, the profit or loss per coin is calculated.

A separate calculation can also be made to calculate the average purchase price and the average selling price.

What can be done on this page?

  • Check the average purchase price, the current market price and the profit/loss for all coins
  • Start a separate calculation to see your average purchase price and your average selling price.
  • Start all calculations in USD or BTC
  • Check the detailed calculation with the link below the table
  • A list with all purchases each coin. You can find a more detailed list in the 'Unrealized Gain / Loss for all Purchases' table on the Gains page.

Possible problems and solutions

  • My purchase value is negative:
    Your purchase value can actually be negative if you've already made so much profit that you can't make a loss. Example: You buy 1,000,000 DVC for $100. 1 week later, 1,000,000 DVC is now worth $400. You sell the half for $200. You've made $100 profit and still have 500,000 DVC left. In this case, your purchase value is negative because you have gained more than your initial purchase. Even if the DVC price falls to 0, you can't be at a loss. You will always come out with a gain of $100 minimum.
  • My values here do not match the Realized and Unrealized Gains:
    In contrast to the (un)realized gains calculation, all purchases and sales are added here together to calculate an average value per coin.
    Since it is a different calculation, the results may differ.
    For a better overview, it may be helpful to display purchases and sales separately.
  • My values seem incorrect:
    It is imperative that all purchases and sales are entered correctly and completely in CoinTracking. If purchased coins are missing, this will lead to warnings and incorrect values for all gains calculations! (read more).

Purchase value of your coins

in USD
in BTC
in USD
in BTC

Coin Ø Purchase value
entered by you here
Current sales value
current market value
Profit / Loss
  for 1 coin   ∑ all coins for 1 coin   ∑ all coins for 1 coin ∑ all coins percent  
[click here for the detailed calculation]

Balance Details each Currency

Mar 18,2024 - 15:59 306 days ago
Deposit: 1.00 BTC

Mar 18,2024 - 15:59 306 days ago
Deposit: 1.00 BTC

Aug 02,2023 - 15:09 535 days ago
Deposit: 1.00 BTC