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Altcoin Wallet Import

Automatically import all transactions from several blockchains

신규 자동 Wallet Transaction 작업을 만드세요.

Select your Coin and enter your Wallet Address:

Import incoming and outgoing transactions
Import incoming transactions only
전출 거래만 가져오세요.

Import incoming transactions as:
Import outgoing transactions as:

Optional settings and filters: [Details]

With a huge amount of transactions, the import process may take a few minutes.

We are using a Multi-Blockchain-API to import coins on the Altcoin Wallet Import page.
New coins will be added weekly, but please note, that we do not have any influence on the listed coins and we can not add specific coins on request into the Altcoin Wallet Import.
당신의 저장된 거래 작업:

당신은 저장된 작업이 없습니다.